No More Poverty and co-founders Michael Omidi and Julian Omidi offer support to Food Finders.
Michael Omidi, MD and Julian Omidi and their charity No More Poverty are pleased to support Food Finders, a community-based food rescue organization. Food Finders is a conduit for food, education as well as awareness between donors, volunteers, agencies and people in need. They re-distribute food from restaurants and stores that might otherwise be thown away. Their drivers and volunteers pick up the food and take it immediately to the shelters and other partnering nonprofits that need it. Food Finders hopes to deliver more than 7 million pounds of food this year.
“Thanks goodness there are enterprising people out there with compassionate hearts,” says Julian Omidi, co-founder of No More Poverty. “Food Finders is one of those no-brainers. It makes perfect sense to stop the waste and address hunger with an inspired rescue operation. Thank you for your work, Food Finders. No More Poverty is happy to support your resourceful strategy.”
Food Finders, Inc. ( was founded in 1989 by Arlene Mercer, who was concerned about the amount of food being thrown away rather than donated by local food merchants and grocers. Inspired to end the waste, she began forming liaisons with local vendors and seeking shelters that could use good, wholesome food to feed needy and impoverished families, children and elderly. Today Food Finders is a multi-regional food bank that supports more than 270 agencies and shelters with enough food to provide 40,000 meals a day. With seven employees and more than 300 volunteers, Food Finders has rescued more than 96 million pounds of food to date (its goal of 100 million pounds is right around the corner). The vision of the organization is to eliminate hunger and food waste while improving nutrition to communities throughout Southern California.
No More Poverty ( is a not-for-profit charity organization with a pending 501(c)3 application founded by brothers Michael Omidi, M.D. and Julian Omidi. The organization seeks to end poverty at home and abroad by supporting the efforts of like-minded charities and agencies. Current efforts are focused on increasing awareness of and donations to charities already doing great work to address poverty and its staggering effects throughout the world. The plan is to expand our activities to include fostering business development and job creation in disenfranchised areas.
Join us in the fight for No More Poverty. Suggestions for worthy partners in the fight for No More Poverty are welcome. No More Poverty does not accept monetary support, but instead encourages direct donations to the charities featured on For more information, please visit Facebook/ or
Source: Yahoo News Ending Waste While Feeding the Hungry – Michael Omidi & Julian Omidi, Co-founders of No More Poverty, Support Food Finders