Non-profit organization, The Young Storytellers Foundation is grateful to No More Poverty and co-founders, Michael Omidi and Julian Omidi for their support.
The Young Storytellers Foundation thanks the Omidi brothers, Julian Omidi and Michael Omidi, M.D., and No More Poverty for supporting their arts education programs in dramatic writing and storytelling that serve public schools in the Los Angeles area. The guiding principles of the foundation are that every child has a story worth telling, arts education is a fundamental educational right, and social and functional inequalities in the public education system can be corrected through quality arts programs.
“Our mission is to inspire children to discover the power of their own voice,” says the Young Storytellers Foundation’s Executive Director Bill Thompson. “We can correct inequalities in public education by providing supplemental, in-school quality arts programming. We’re grateful to Michael Omidi, MD and Julian Omidi, co-founders of No More Poverty, for helping us in that mission.”
About No More Poverty
No More Poverty ( is a not-for-profit charity organization with a pending 501(c)3 application founded by brothers Michael Omidi, M.D. and Julian Omidi. The organization seeks to end poverty at home and abroad by supporting the efforts of like-minded charities and agencies. Current efforts are focused on increasing awareness of and donations to charities already doing great work to address poverty and its staggering effects throughout the world. The plan is to expand our activities to include fostering business development and job creation in disenfranchised areas.
Join us in the fight for No More Poverty. Suggestions for worthy partners in the fight for No More Poverty are welcome. No More Poverty does not accept monetary support, but instead encourages direct donations to the charities featured on the NMP website. For more information, please visit http://www.facebook/ or
About the Young Storytellers Foundation (YSF)
The Young Storytellers Foundation ( began in 1997, when a group of young screenwriters decided to provide creative writing workshops for public schools that had their arts programs drastically reduced or cut. The goal of the workshops was to encourage literacy by allowing kids to tell their own stories in their own voices. In addition to working with public schools, YSF offers summer camps and workshops, and also works in conjunction with the New York Film Academy and Universal Studios in one-week intensive filmmaking programs. The programs are supported by numerous entertainment industry power players, including Sony, Disney, Fox, HBO, Warner Brothers and NBC.
YSF has a small staff of two full-time and two part-time employees, and programs are provided by more than 1,500 volunteers, who lend their skills and entertainment industry expertise in order to give kids the individual attention and mentoring services that makes this program so special. Thousands of students attend the live performances of the student writers. 700 students participated in the various programs offered by the Young Storytellers Foundation. Each one of these students wrote a finished script, which was then performed by professional Hollywood actors in front of an audience of family, friends and school faculty.
Media Relations
Young Story Tellers Foundation
Source: Yahoo News Instilling Literacy & Creativity in LA’s Under-Served Schools – No More Poverty’s and the Omidi Brothers’ Support is Appreciated