No More Poverty and co-founders Michael Omidi and Julian Omidi support the Story Project, a creative arts after school program for young people growing up in at-risk and underserved communities.

Los Angeles, California – No More Poverty and its co-founders Michael Omidi, MD and Julian Omidisupport the Story Project and its after-school creative communication programs. Believing that fun is a huge component to learning, the Story Project’s curriculum is presented in an imaginative, joyful environment where students have the opportunity to explore while improving basic communication skills. Project-based learning bolsters abilities in reading, writing and critical thinking; it strengthens the collaborative process, and promotes imagination. Participating at-risk youth are encouraged to visualize their struggles: school, family, and personal conflicts; then, imagine creative resolutions.

“Today’s media is a tremendous tool for motivating kids’ academic studies while also validating that the future holds many possibilities,” says Dr. Michael Omidi, co-founder of No More Poverty. “It makes perfect sense to employ the media technologies kids already love to strengthen their literacy skills to help them take on life’s challenges and explore options for creating a happy, fulfilling life. I love this idea and the creative expression. My brother and I are happy to be a part of it.”

About Story Project

Enlisting one of Los Angeles’ most abundant resources – creative talent – The Story Project ( was founded in 1998 by the chairman and vice-chairman of RKO Pictures based on their growing concern of the declining literacy rates in today’s public schools. To date more than a thousand at-risk kids have participated in The Story Project’s unique curriculum and the numbers continue to grow. The strategy is simple: inspire literacy through media avenues young people already enjoy. Classes are held after-school and are led by working writers, actors, directors and production professionals who all volunteer their time for students. Through discussions and activities based in screenwriting, filmmaking, poetry, photography, and an assortment of media and art related fields, creative mentors reveal personal stories while inspiring the students to share their own. These interactions bolster self-esteem while enhancing reading and writing skills. Based in Los Angeles and serving schools throughout Southern California, The Story Project recently expanded to schools and youth programs in Texas and Maryland.

About No More Poverty

No More Poverty ( is a not-for-profit charity organization with a pending 501(c)3 application founded by brothers Michael Omidi, M.D. and Julian Omidi. The organization seeks to end poverty at home and abroad by supporting the efforts of like-minded charities and agencies. Current efforts are focused on increasing awareness of and donations to charities already doing great work to address poverty and its staggering effects throughout the world. The plan is to expand our activities to include fostering business development and job creation in disenfranchised areas.

Join us in the fight for No More Poverty. Suggestions for worthy partners in the fight for No More Poverty are welcome. No More Poverty does not accept monetary support, but instead encourages direct donations to the charities featured on For more information, please visit Facebook/ or

Source: Yahoo News Michael Omidi & Julian Omidi, Co-founders of No More Poverty ( to The Story ProjectLocal Youth Program Inspires Tomorrow’s Story-Tellers

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