Julian Omidi and Dr. Michael Omidi, cofounders of No More Poverty, are pleased that the new leader of the Catholic Church includes poverty and helping the world’s poor at the top of his priority list. Global media stories speak of the revolutionary words and actions of this new leader who encourages a return to Christian values of compassion and service.

In 2000 the United Nations introduced goals for international social and economic development and the 2013 status report tells of great progress toward achieving these goals. No More Poverty and cofounders Julian Omidi and Dr. Michael Omidi are delighted with the progress made to date on these important initiatives, called the Millennium Development Goals, which are targeted for a 2015 completion. The goals are focused on ending poverty through sustainable development and reducing inequality around the globe. (http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/26/opinion/africa-testing-ground-sirleaf-osotimehin/index.html)
As reported on September 26th, 2013 by CNN.com and other media sources, the cooperative efforts of world governments, charitable aid foundations, and a variety of other international organizations, under the leadership of the United Nation have been able to:
- Reduce the number of people now living in extreme poverty by half a billion;
- Save the lives of nearly 3 million children every year that previously would have died from childhood illnesses;
- Slow population growth with the introduction of family planning programs;
- Increase the availability of vaccinations so that four of five children now routinely receive vaccinations for a variety of diseases;
- Reduce the number of deaths from malaria by 25 percent
“My brother and I are very happy to learn of the extraordinary successes attributable to the leadership of the United Nations,” says Dr. Michael Omidi, No More Poverty cofounder. “Of course, there is much, much more to be done as the world’s population continues to grow, particularly in developing nations, and the demand for food, clean water and energy increases exponentially. It is only through collaborative efforts such as this global development program, that we can address the inequality and extreme poverty in our world.”
No More Poverty (http://www.nmp.org) is a not-for-profit charity organization (with a pending 501(c)3 application) founded by brothers Dr. Michael Omidi and Julian Omidi. The organization seeks to end poverty at home and abroad by supporting the efforts of like-minded charities and agencies. Current efforts are focused on increasing awareness of and donations to charities already doing great work to address poverty and its staggering effects throughout the world. The plan is to expand our activities to include fostering business development and job creation in disenfranchised areas.
Join us in the fight for No More Poverty. Suggestions for worthy partners in the fight for No More Poverty are welcome. No More Poverty does not accept monetary support, but instead encourages direct donations to the charities featured on the organization’s website. For more information, please visit the organization’s social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
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No More Poverty
Source: PRweb No More Poverty Cofounders Encouraged by United Nation’s Progress Addressing Poverty