A Place Called Home expresses appreciation to No More Poverty and co-founders Dr. Omidi and Julian Omidi for their support.
A Place Called Home is pleased to add the Omidi brothers, Michael Omidi and Julian Omidi and their non-profit organization No More Poverty (nmp.org) to its long list of supporters. The South Central youth center offers free programs and enrichment services to increase the academic performance and improve the social behaviors of the disadvantaged young people who live in this challenging, low-income area.
“The goal of our center is to increase the likelihood that the young people will stay in school and go on to higher education and viable jobs,” says Scott Culbertson on behalf of A Place Called Home. “We can only offer our free education, athletic, creative arts, and mentoring programs with the support of charitable, caring people like the Omidis. Thank you for helping us to empower these young people to go on to lead happy, successful lives.”
About No More Poverty No More Poverty (nmp.org) is a not-for-profit charity organization with a pending 501c3 application founded by brothers Michael Omidi, M.D. and Julian Omidi. The organization seeks to end poverty at home and abroad by supporting the efforts of like-minded charities and agencies. Current efforts are focused on increasing awareness of and donations to charities already doing great work to address poverty and its staggering effects throughout the world. The plan is to soon expand our activities to include fostering business development and job creation in disenfranchised areas.
Join us in the fight for No More Poverty. Suggestions for worthy partners in the fight for NO MORE POVERTY are welcome. No More Poverty does not accept monetary support, but instead encourages direct donations to the charities featured on nmp.org. For more information, please visit Facebook/nmp.org or nmp.org.
About A Place Called Home A Place Called Home (apch.org) is a non-profit youth center in South Central Los Angeles where underserved children and young people are empowered to take ownership of the quality and direction of their lives. Founded in 1993, it started as a place that gang-affected youth could come after school, get a snack, do homework, hang with friends, and be with people that care. Today, A Place Called Home offers a variety of activities including an all-day school, computer lab, music and art classes, and mentoring and tutoring programs. By addressing their basic needs and rights, the center staff and programs inspire kids to make a meaningful difference in their community and the world.
Source: FOX 25 48 Thank You No More Poverty (nmp.org): A Place Called Home Expresses Appreciation to the Omidi Brothers